Friday, June 14, 2013

Little Willow

I recently changed my blog title to a name that has a lot of meaning to me. It is named after a beautiful Paul McCartney song that I discovered shortly after giving birth to my daughter. Paul McCartney is my all-time favorite artist (we are Beatles fanatics in this household!) and my daughter's name is consequently Willow, so, it was kind of a perfect name for my little space on the web. You can find the lyrics to "Little Willow" here. I used to sing this song to my daughter while rocking her to sleep when she was just a baby.

It's so hard to believe that was three years ago.

Summer, 2011

Sleep, little willow
Peace gonna follow
Time will heal your wounds

First day of summer dance class, 2013

Grow to the heavens
Now and forever
Always came too soon

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